Tagged by Marty
Five things in my refrigerator:
1. Corona
2. Fiji Water
3. Brie
4. Tapenade
5. Lactaid
Five things in my closet:
1. 50 hot pink hangers
2. All clothes hanging in same direction and organized by color, sleeve-length, and weight
3. A basket of gym clothes
4. A bunch of paper we stuffed in there when visitors came by
5. A devil halloween costume
Five things in my purse:
1. Hot Pink Ipod Mini in cool case I got at Urban Outfitters
2. Hot Red cellphone, embellished with rhinestones
3. Hot pink calculator, embellished with rhinestones
4. 15 lipsticks and 2 Listerine breathstrips
5. Epi-Pen
Five things in my car:
1. Crumpled, empty Fiji water bottles
2. Receipts
3. Loose change
4. Cigarette butts (Trouble Jr.)
5. PA Drivers License Manual (Trouble Jr.)
Five people now tagged by me:
1. Superfly
2. Bobulah
3. K-Money
4. Star
5. Three-Toed Sloth
Can you please come organize my closet? Yours sounds delightful. I haven't seen you hanging around The Rack lately, I hope everything is okay. Much love.
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