Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New Year, Same Old Bullshit

EVERY damn time I go to Denver to visit my children, I endure the same flurry of idiotic emails from my ex-husband and his new wife. They live to fuck up my plans!

This time, he doesn't want me to pick up the kids when he's not home. His new wifey is so terrorized by the sight of me, she can't even bear to send the kids outside when I honk the horn. Sheesh.

So, a week from Friday, there's a chance I'll be at her front door with a Sheriff. So pointless, so stupid, so damaging to the children.

All I want is to see them, introduce Superfly to them, and have a blast for a couple of days. Why must my bastard bitch-ass mofo ex-husband jack it up for us?



Blogger Leave It To Cleavage said...

Some people just live to make others miserable. Don't let them get to you. You will have a wonderful time with the mini trubs and superfly and that will be that. Take lots of pictures and stuff!!

5:27 PM  

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